Adding Social Share Functionality to Your Astro Website

Recently, I was looking for a solution to add social share buttons to my Astro-based website, and I found exactly what I needed: the astro-social-share package Official repository.

Why astro-social-share?

This package provides a simple yet customizable way to add social media share buttons to your Astro site. It comes with pre-built components for various social platforms and uses icons from Simple Icons, ensuring a clean and professional look.

Tip: The package is lightweight and doesn't require any external dependencies, making it perfect for performance-conscious websites.


You can install the package using your preferred package manager:

# Using NPM
npm install astro-social-share

# Using Yarn
yarn add astro-social-share

# Using PNPM
pnpm add astro-social-share

Basic Usage

Adding share buttons to your page is straightforward. Here’s a basic example:

import { SocialShare } from "astro-social-share";

    description="Description of the page/post"
    title="Page Title"

Custom Components

One of the great features of this package is the ability to create custom share buttons. Here’s an example of a custom HackerNews share button component:

import type ButtonProps  from './types';

type Props = ButtonProps;

const { url=Astro.request.url, title } = Astro.props;

let URL = `${url}&t=${title}`

<a class="social-share-btn" target="_blank" href={URL} rel="noopener noreferrer">
      svg:hover {
    <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
      <title>Y Combinator</title>
      <path d="M0 24V0h24v24H0zM6.951 5.896l4.112 7.708v5.064h1.583v-4.972l4.148-7.799h-1.749l-2.457 4.875c-.372.745-.688 1.434-.688 1.434s-.297-.708-.651-1.434L8.831 5.896h-1.88z"/>

Remember to always include proper rel="noopener noreferrer" attributes when using target="_blank" for security best practices.

Customization Tips

  1. You can customize the appearance of the share buttons using CSS
  2. The package supports custom icons through the slot system
  3. Each button component can be styled independently
  4. You can choose which social platforms to include
The social share functionality requires JavaScript to be enabled in the browser for proper functionality.

The social share functionality requires JavaScript to be enabled in the browser for proper functionality.


The astro-social-share package provides an elegant solution for adding social share functionality to your Astro website. Its simplicity and customization options make it a valuable addition to any Astro project.

For more information and advanced usage, check out the official repository.

Disclaimer: This post is for personal use, but I hope it can also help others. I'm sharing my thoughts and experiences here.
If you have any insights or feedback, please reach out!
Note: Some content on this site may have been formatted using AI.

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