Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) is an agile development practice that encourages collaboration among developers, QA, and non-technical stakeholders.
I created this post as a personal exploration of the concept of a “Behavior-Driven Development” in the context of testing. My goal is to gain a deeper understanding of how Behavior-Driven Development testing works and its significance in software development.
Overview of the BDD process from requirements to continuous improvement.
Originating from Test-Driven Development (TDD), BDD emphasizes the use of natural language to describe software behavior, making it accessible and comprehensible to all team members.
Example of Requirements to Working Software
In this example, the process starts with capturing requirements in plain language that all stakeholders can understand. This leads to defining collaborative test cases that guide the development of the software, which in turn allows for a feedback loop that fosters continuous improvement of both the software and the development process itself.
Feature: User Registration
Scenario: Successful user registration
Given the user is on the registration page
When the user fills out the registration form
And submits the form
Then the user should receive a confirmation email
Here’s how you might implement this scenario using the Behave
library in Python.
# features/steps/
from behave import given, when, then
@given('the user is on the registration page')
def step_given_on_registration_page(context):
@when('the user fills out the registration form')
def step_when_fills_registration_form(context):
context.browser.fill('username', 'testuser')
context.browser.fill('email', '')
context.browser.fill('password', 'securepassword')
@when('submits the form')
def step_when_submits_form(context):
@then('the user should receive a confirmation email')
def step_then_receive_confirmation_email(context):
assert context.email_service.has_received('', 'Confirmation Email')
Collaboration and Communication
Why Collaboration Matters
Collaboration between technical and non-technical team members is at the heart of BDD. By using a shared language, all stakeholders can understand and contribute to the software development process.
This emphasis on communication fosters a culture of shared responsibility, where everyone understands the requirements and desired behaviors of the software.
Role of collaboration in defining user stories and requirements.
Example of Team Collaboration
In this diagram, collaboration among Developers, Business Stakeholders, and QA Engineers facilitates the definition of user stories.
# User Story for Product Search
As a user,
I want to be able to search for products by name,
so that I can quickly find what I'm looking for.
# Acceptance Criteria
Given the user is on the home page
When the user enters a product name in the search bar
Then the search results should display matching products
Here’s how you might code this user story using Behave
# features/steps/
from behave import given, when, then
@given('the user is on the home page')
def step_given_on_home_page(context):
@when('the user enters a product name in the search bar')
def step_when_enters_product_name(context):
context.browser.fill('search', 'Sample Product')
@then('the search results should display matching products')
def step_then_display_matching_products(context):
assert context.browser.is_text_present('Sample Product')
Business-Oriented Approach
BDD shifts the focus from technical specifications to user behaviors and outcomes.
Creating User Stories
User stories are written in a simple format:
As a [role], I want [goal] so that [reason].
This format allows all stakeholders to align on the purpose of features being developed.
Story versus Specification
A separate subcategory of Behavior-Driven Development is formed by tools that utilize specifications as an input language rather than user stories. These specification tools allow teams that prefer a more formal approach to explicitly delineate behaviors.
Example Specification Format
When utilizing specifications, the structure typically resembles the following format:
Functionality: User Login
When the user navigates to the login page
Then the login form should be displayed.
When the user enters valid credentials
Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard.
When the user navigates to the login page
And attempts to submit an empty form
Then an error message should be displayed.
And the focus should remain on the username field.
Example of Functional Specification
The following specification details user login behavior, ensuring clarity on expected outcomes.
Feature: User Login
Scenario: Login with valid credentials
Given the user navigates to the login page
When the user enters "username" and "password"
Then the user should be directed to the dashboard
Here’s how you can implement the login scenario using Behave
# features/steps/
from behave import given, when, then
@given('the user navigates to the login page')
def step_given_on_login_page(context):
@when('the user enters "{username}" and "{password}"')
def step_when_enters_credentials(context, username, password):
context.browser.fill('username', username)
context.browser.fill('password', password)
@then('the user should be directed to the dashboard')
def step_then_directed_to_dashboard(context):
assert context.browser.url.endswith('/dashboard')
Testing as Part of the Development Process
In BDD, testing is not merely a stage occurring after development but is integrated throughout the entire process.
Representation of testing integration in the BDD workflow.
Example of Integrated Testing
This diagram shows how testing is woven into the development process by defining behaviors that lead to automated tests and continuous integration.
Feature: Checkout Process
Scenario: Successful checkout
Given the user has items in the cart
When the user proceeds to checkout
And enters payment information
Then the order should be confirmed
Here’s how this scenario could be implemented in Python.
# features/steps/
from behave import given, when, then
@given('the user has items in the cart')
def step_given_items_in_cart(context):
context.cart.add_item('Sample Item', quantity=1)
@when('the user proceeds to checkout')
def step_when_proceeds_to_checkout(context):
@when('enters payment information')
def step_when_enters_payment_info(context):
context.browser.fill('card_number', '4111111111111111')
context.browser.fill('expiry', '12/23')
context.browser.fill('cvv', '123')
@then('the order should be confirmed')
def step_then_order_confirmed(context):
assert context.browser.is_text_present('Order Confirmed')
Automation of Tests
Automating acceptance tests is a core practice in BDD, ensuring a rapid feedback loop with benefits such as:
- Fast Feedback: Quick validation of behavior keeps development agile.
- Regression Testing: Automated tests cover existing functionality, facilitating safe code changes.
Example Scenario in BDD Language
Using Gherkin syntax, a BDD scenario might look like this:
Feature: User Login
Scenario: Successful login
Given the user navigates to the login page
When the user enters valid credentials
Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard
Below is how you would set up this user login scenario in Python.
# features/steps/ (continued)
@When('the user enters valid credentials')
def step_when_enters_valid_credentials(context):
context.browser.fill('username', 'validuser')
context.browser.fill('password', 'validpassword')
@Then('the user should be redirected to the dashboard')
def step_then_redirected_to_dashboard(context):
assert context.browser.title == 'Dashboard'
Living Documentation
BDD promotes the concept of living documentation, where user stories and scenarios serve both as documentation and tests.
Benefits of Living Documentation
- Up-to-Date: Living documentation evolves with the project, reflecting the current state of the application.
- Readable: Stakeholders can easily understand the documentation without needing in-depth technical knowledge.
Example of Living Documentation
Living documentation can be illustrated through shared repositories that are automatically updated with the latest tests and scenarios.
Feature: Account Management
Scenario: Update account details
Given the user is logged in
When the user updates their email address
Then the new email should be saved in the user's profile
Here’s how you might implement this in a Python BDD framework.
# features/steps/
from behave import given, when, then
@given('the user is logged in')
def step_given_logged_in(context):
context.browser.fill('username', 'validuser')
context.browser.fill('password', 'validpassword')
@when('the user updates their email address')
def step_when_updates_email(context):
context.browser.fill('email', '')
@then('the new email should be saved in the user\'s profile')
def step_then_email_saved(context):
assert context.browser.is_text_present('')
Continuous Improvement
The feedback gained from automated tests and collaborative discussions fosters a culture of continual learning and process optimization.
Retrospectives in BDD
Regular retrospectives help teams reflect on their processes, refine their behaviors, and adjust practices to improve future BDD cycles.
Feedback loop leading to continuous improvement in the BDD process.
Example of Retrospective Outcomes
The following illustrates how feedback drives improvement in team practices.
Retrospective Discussion Points:
1. Identify challenges faced during the last sprint.
2. Discuss what worked well and what didn't.
3. Define measurable action items for the next cycle.
By continually evaluating and adapting, teams ensure that BDD practices evolve to meet project needs effectively.
Common Pitfalls
Teams may encounter some common pitfalls when adopting BDD, such as unclear user stories or lack of stakeholder involvement. Strategies to avoid these issues include regular training sessions and fostering a culture of inclusivity and transparency.
Behavior-Driven Development fosters a culture of collaboration, shared understanding, and continuous improvement.
Whether utilizing user stories or functional specifications, embracing BDD can lead to more effective and streamlined development practices.
Good luck :D
Further Reading
To deepen your understanding of BDD, consider exploring further reading or online courses dedicated to the topic.